Thursday, May 27, 2010

You never get to see a serious side.

You never really get to see a serious side of me, do you? Only that happy, peppy side of me that likes Vogue and cooking; the side that everyone likes to laugh at and call girly. And, I mean, that's okay. I'm used to people calling me girly; it's sort of like a term of endearment, right? :D Maybe not...

But I have to say the source of all my happiness now isn't my cousins or my best friends, or my ex-girlfriends. It's all Frozer and the kids and my brother, Vic. Even if our family thingy isn't exactly normal and stuff, I still love my life! There's so much to love, you know? I know Froze loves me, and that's what keeps me going every day. I think if Froze didn't love me, or left me, I would fall to pieces and just curl up and die. Well, I obviously couldn't really die, but I would die mentally! It would be like losing my parents all over again, but in a different way. 'Cause, you know, my parents were my rock back then. Froze is my rock now and I just...I can't express it in a blog...I'll try...

You know how at the beginning of a relationship when you REALLY like somebody and you have those butterflies in your tummy every time you see them and you get super happy and excited? You feel like time passes by too quickly and you wish certain moments would last forever? You just know you could never leave that person or be without them, or you would surely die, one way or another? I feel that way about Froze every single time I look at her. It's like, I have all this love inside, and it's all for her.

And ever since my parents died, I knew I wanted to be a father and find a wife to be with forever. Even if Froze isn't my wifey yet, I hope someday we could get married, but I know she cares about Vic, too, so I have to respect her wishes. Anything to make her happy. But anyway, Nora and Haley being two products of Froze and I's affection is why they are also so important to me.

Also, because Vic is the closest related family member left, that's why he makes me happy, even if I know his life is sort of complicated and that he doesn't really feel so happy around me as I do him. I hope one day he'll just...change, but I know Viccy better now, and I know he's one of those guys set in his ways...

Which is why I know it would've be best if it were only me and Froze.

Riccy ♥ ♥ ♥

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