Monday, May 31, 2010



Saturday, May 29, 2010


I'm totally gonna follow Merz's "Feeling" and "Listening To" thingies! They look super interesting. Even though I'm not gonna post the lyric section thingy that she does, 'cause I just don't wanna. Yay!

Listening To: Guy Love by JD and Turk from Scrubs :D
Feeling: Like playing a children's card game

Okay, so, last night I decided I would go out with some of my close friends. I put on a pot roast and set the timer and told Nora to get it out, though when I got home, the kitchen was kinda partially burnt down. :C Vic told me he put out the fire, so I guess I'll call some people tomorrow to get that taken care of. But back to guys' night out!

So, I called my new friend Amadour, and I also called Gore, Ryder, Kulan, and Albrecht (Who's German, by the way. Isn't it so cool that I have all these neat friends? It makes me feel cultured). I called Hatchet, too, and though he was on the fence about it, he ended up agreeing to come, too! Vic told me there was no way unless a certain place froze he wouldn't go. And Jesse wanted to stay with Vic, soooo...

First, we went out shopping, which was really fun. Skinny jeans were on sale at Hot Topic, and I even got a HAWT pair of leather pants. It was the last pair left, so me and Amadour agreed to co-own the pants :D They are so sexy. They look exactly like the leather pants that Yami wears in Yu-Gi-Oh!. Did you know how much I love that show? Me and Spencer watch it every Saturday morning. Someone told me there's an abridged series of it, and it sounds interesting, but I haven't checked it out yet. But Hatchet didn't buy anything. :c He said he needed to pack light because he travelled all the time, and it's understandable.

Then we went to Barnes & Noble to go get some Starbucks and look at the magazines. We were pouring over Vogue and Cosmo for hours :D Well, just until they kicked us out because we were making too much noise and shouting at each other. And we sorta threw our Starbucks cups at each other and got all coffee-stained and stuff, so we had to change into our new party clothes that we bought at Hot Topic and Journeys and stuff. Hatchet STILL didn't include himself in this. He was looking at a book on weapons, though, and stayed out of the fray of flying flip-flops and Starbucks cups.

After that, we went out to a couple clubs. ;D Those appletini drinks are amazing! Can you even imagine the very apple-y-ness of this drink? It was amazing. Kulan introduced me to them; says he's been drinking them for years. I still ended up having more mojitos than anything else, and we totally rocked it out on the dance floor. I can't really say I remember what happened after that, but I woke up with the guys on the front lawn of the school Nora and Jesse go to...we were all -- except Hatchet, who was gone -- wearing these Twilight t-shirts that we must've bought at some store, and thongs.

I wasn't surprised that Kulan was Team Switzerland. ;D Though I am more of a Team Edward guy, myself.

I wonder what happened when I blacked out, though. I'm sure it'll all come back to me. I called Hatchet this morning to make sure he was okay and he told me he must've got seperated from us, but that he did not wake up in a thong or Twilight shirt, and that he never got that drunk to do such a thing in the first place.

The school was going to call police, but Nora and Jesse were called instead so that they could come pick me up. I puked in Nora's car, which was actually Mercedes's car, which was actually Anthony's car.

Anthony is Mercedes's ex-boyfriend, but for some reason she still hasn't returned his car to him even though she's dating Albrecht now and they're all moved in with each other and talking about getting engaged and stuff. They've been together for a long, long time now, ever since me, Vic, Merce, Labyrinth, and Jersey all went on that one journey that one time. ♥

As far as I've heard, Mercedes has talked to Anthony a few times but never given his car back. Knowing how she is, she'll probably return it to him now without mentioning all the vomit in the backseat. :C I try to get Mercedes to be nicer, and with Albrecht she's sort of sweet sometimes to him, but not really to anyone else. Except Frozer. She and Froze get along super well; they were roomies once!

Merce must also have a thing for vampires, since she was so broken up about Gore when he broke it off with her and didn't love anyone for years until she met Albrecht - who is also a vampire - but since she's immortal now after the whole journey thing, I guess it's okay. She would make a good vampire, though. At least, I think so! ♥

I guess now I'll go listen to one of my Glee CDs. They always help when I have a bad headache because of alcohol. Or maybe I should watch Scrubs, since this song reminds me I haven't watched it for a long time. I'm being a procrastinator, though, because I need to brush up on some German since I might be going on a business trip to Germany with Albrecht (Who's bringing Mercedes. I swear, those two are so cute together. It's like they can't stand to be apart. ♥ ).

I love my Followers so much! You guys are the best. ♥ Flash, thanks for all the carrots! I'm actually going to make a stew tonight using some of those carrots you gave me. They're really delicious. ♥ Say hi to Kira's dude for me.

Riccy ♥ ♥ ♥

Thursday, May 27, 2010

You never get to see a serious side.

You never really get to see a serious side of me, do you? Only that happy, peppy side of me that likes Vogue and cooking; the side that everyone likes to laugh at and call girly. And, I mean, that's okay. I'm used to people calling me girly; it's sort of like a term of endearment, right? :D Maybe not...

But I have to say the source of all my happiness now isn't my cousins or my best friends, or my ex-girlfriends. It's all Frozer and the kids and my brother, Vic. Even if our family thingy isn't exactly normal and stuff, I still love my life! There's so much to love, you know? I know Froze loves me, and that's what keeps me going every day. I think if Froze didn't love me, or left me, I would fall to pieces and just curl up and die. Well, I obviously couldn't really die, but I would die mentally! It would be like losing my parents all over again, but in a different way. 'Cause, you know, my parents were my rock back then. Froze is my rock now and I just...I can't express it in a blog...I'll try...

You know how at the beginning of a relationship when you REALLY like somebody and you have those butterflies in your tummy every time you see them and you get super happy and excited? You feel like time passes by too quickly and you wish certain moments would last forever? You just know you could never leave that person or be without them, or you would surely die, one way or another? I feel that way about Froze every single time I look at her. It's like, I have all this love inside, and it's all for her.

And ever since my parents died, I knew I wanted to be a father and find a wife to be with forever. Even if Froze isn't my wifey yet, I hope someday we could get married, but I know she cares about Vic, too, so I have to respect her wishes. Anything to make her happy. But anyway, Nora and Haley being two products of Froze and I's affection is why they are also so important to me.

Also, because Vic is the closest related family member left, that's why he makes me happy, even if I know his life is sort of complicated and that he doesn't really feel so happy around me as I do him. I hope one day he'll just...change, but I know Viccy better now, and I know he's one of those guys set in his ways...

Which is why I know it would've be best if it were only me and Froze.

Riccy ♥ ♥ ♥

Monday, May 24, 2010



Wait. Wait. That's what the lyrics are? D8 OMFG. *runs to switch CD to next track* Okay, okay. That's probably better. It's all going to be alright now, right? I mean, I don't wanna do...any of that. I'm straight, remember? I have a girlfriend with a nice set of coconuts whom I share with my brother. This is all completely normal and I'm sure it happens all the time.

Besides learning about the real Blah Blah Blah lyrics, my day has been okay. I went to Kulan to get my hair done since I had more split ends than Vic could ever dream of having, and I needed to get it fixed. Plus, it was practically to my waist! I like to keep it to about the middle of my back. It's a nice manageable place and I still have my suave, sophisticated flair with it.

But when I came in, Kulan had his hair, rainbow. And he was trying to hit on me the whole time and I had to remind him that I was happily married -- err, happily taken -- to a female who has nice lady lumps. He wasn't so persistent today because I had scheduled my appointment in advance and the owner of the salon gave him a tranquilizer beforehand, so he was still kinda groggy from waking up from that.

Now that I think about it, though, that wasn't such a good time at the salon, because can you even GUESS who was there? MARGARET THE LANDLADY. She was the landlord at my old apartment that my evil Uncle Victor owned where Froze and I both lived, and she came in on us making out once. It was sort of horrifying, because she saw my manchest! D8 But today she kept waggling her eyebrows at me as she was getting her hair dyed blue, and there was three flies buzzing over her head the whole time for some reason...

I did meet a new FRIEND! 8D His name is Amadour Blanc. He's French! ♥ Isn't that just so fancy? He has sort of a French accent a little bit, but you can't tell much. He tells me he has a sister named Aceline and that she's incredibly pretty.

His hair was kind of pretty, though, because of the colors in it and stuff. It looked like it would be difficult for his hairdresser, though! The style, too, because it was different lengths and whatnot. He's very interested in fashion, and we gossiped the whole time while reading Vogue. It was great! We traded numbers and email addresses and agreed to meet up sometime. I love making new frands, don't you? ;)

So, today I baked a strawberry cake, which is Nora's favorite, and Haley likes all types of cake, so it's all good. Just as I was about to cut it, though, Kulan crashed through the window and collided with it and started smashing it to his face, screaming, "WHY DON'T YOU LOVE ME, RIC?" Vic sorta beat him up and called the owner of the hair salon, who gave him another tranquilizer and took him home. I'm going to have to get that window fixed tomorrow.

Merz is going to a suminagashi class tomorrow, which has something to do with water and paper and ink. Oh, and I think it's Japanese. They have the most adorable things like stuffies and keychains and Hello Kitty ♥! You know, I have a Hello Kitty hoodie I got on a business trip to Japan once. But I don't know much about them; Merz is the one that knows stuff, except she can't speak the language fluently like I can ;D Na-na-na-na-na-na! So I'll probably post a blog while she's not looking, yay. ♥


I went out and got a TATTOO!!!!!!1!!!111!

I know, so exciting! I got it on my left butt cheek. I was crying and screaming and it was soooooo painful, but I managed to get through it, and the tattoo girl only had to smack me a few times. It hurts to sit down, though, so I've been lying on my stomach, while everyone at home looks at me weirdly. Can you guess what it is? ♥

It's "Froze" in this really fancy, swirly font. ;D I wonder what she'll do when she finds out. Man, I hope she doesn't read this blog before I'm able to tell her...

Well, I guess that's it for today!

Riccy ♥ ♥ ♥

Sunday, May 23, 2010


I managed to snag Merz's laptop when she wasn't looking, and, thus, I have created a blog! :D I hope she doesn't find out. There isn't any way that she could, right?...

Anyway, this is just going to be a place for me to post my deepest thoughts, secrets, and recipes. And hopefully Froze, Nora, Haley, Jesse, and Vic don't ever find any of this...or my cousins Thaddeus, Labyrinth, Miles, and Spencer...that probably wouldn't be the best thing in the world for them to find. Because this is a place for me to OPEN UP and FEEL FREE AS A BIRD.

Besides, I'm pretty bored because Vic is with Froze right now, om nom nomming up all of our precious time together D8 It's just not fair that I have to share my wife -- err, my girlfriend -- with my twin brother. I mean, who has to do that? At least I know she loves me more because we have two kids whereas Vic and her only have one. ;D And as cute as Jesse is -- he has Vic's tush -- he's still sort of mean and annoying to me. Always trying to burn me with cigarettes. I swear, I have scars! Look, look!

Maybe I should sorta describe myself. Even though I'm taken, I'm sure the ladies would like to know. *wink wink wink wink*

I look seventeen but I'm really older because I AM A SHAPESHIFTER OH YEAH. ARE YOU IMPRESSED? I have long silver hair and silver eyes and I'm really skinny; I don't have Vic's tush. You know, the one everyone keeps talking about. I like skinny jeans, rainbows, sparkles, sunshine, happiness, and cooking. I don't like Froze's "I have a headache, go back to sleep" routine, cigarettes, drugs, or copious amounts of alcohol, because the last one makes me do things I don't remember. Last time I ended up in a dress and I couldn't find my underwear, so it wasn't exactly a nice day for me.

I should also tell you about my family, right?

Froze is my amazing, beautiful, gosh darn SMEXY girlfriend. She's insanely pretty and she has some nice bewbs. Haha, don't tell her I said that. ;D She might try to kill me with a kitchen knife. But seriously, her bewbs. BEWBS. She's like, a Realmer and stuff, too, but that doesn't matter really.

Nora is my little sweetheart apple crumb cake. ♥ She's my first daughter, and her twin brother is Jesse, who is Vic's spawn. Isn't it funny how that happened? It was also kinda awkward, too, but everything is okay now! She's a Realmer just like her momma. ♥

Haley is my snuggle-wuggle smooshieums! She's a shapeshifter, just like me! She shifts into a cat like me, too. I am so proud of her. But she's incredibly innocent, so I have to make sure Froze, Jesse, Vic, and Nora are careful around her. I walked in once on Nora and Froze teaching her French curses and telling her they meant things like "sparkles" and "sunshine"! I didn't know at the time, but Vic told me that's what they were later. :(

Thaddeus, Labyrinth, Miles, and Spencer are all my cousins. Labyrinth was mean at first and scared the poo out of me and Vic, but he's all nice and caring now after he went away on that long journey! He's best friends with my ex-girlfriend Mercedes, too. Miles and Spencer are brothers, but only Spencer is a shapeshifter, and he and Haley are good friends because they're both super innocent. Thaddeus is kinda mad at the world right now, but he's a good guy. He has nice hair, I think.

I have super special awesome friends like Mercedes Montgomery and Alison Gavin, who are both my ex-girlfriends, but no hard feelings! Mercedes had nice bewbs, too, but Ali was really flatchested. And Gore, Ryder, and Hatchet have been my friends for a long time! We had some good times back in high school, oh boy. ;D Gore and Ryder's stand-in mom Anna Rose Ravenblood and stand-in dad Eric Ravenblood are kinda my stand-in parents, too, since mine died. And the rest of that vampire clan is sorta my family, too. Even though Albrecht is a bit annoying sometimes...

I guess this is pretty good for a first post, right? I'm going to go see if there's any mojitos left in the fridge and go listen to some Metro Station and Ke$ha. Man, isn't she just AWESOME? ♥ I wanna know where she's buys all that glitter from.