Saturday, July 10, 2010


Listening To: Double Rainbow Song
Feeling: Like SHOOP DA WHOOP

I know it's been a long time since I last posted a blog, but everything's been so busy lately! Mercedes has been busy, especially, with all of her writing. I wish her the best with all those crazy writing contests of hers! I know they mean a lot to her and she's very SRS BZNZ about all of this, and it's crazy to watch her sit there and write. It's actually pretty intense. :D ♥

Okay, so, I've been having problems with Vic lately. Actually...I've always had problems with him, except when we were little kids. We were actually sorta close back then! We'd go to the beach with mom and dad and would find shells and give each other the prettiest one that we found. Vic will probably be mad at me for talking about those times since he doesn't really like me anymore, but those times are some of my favorites. ♥ Any time with Vic and my parents were good times, except when he got sent off to boarding school. That made me very sad.

So, anyways, I've been trying a new exercise regimen! I've been trying to jog with Mercedes, my ex-girlfriend. She's been pretty cranky lately what with her witch's eyeball acting up lately, but I can understand that being in that much pain can make you a bit snappy! LOL! She always beats me, but I think it's because of her super-long legs. I'm 5'10" and she's 6'0"! She's really gorgeous in a punky way, too. Go date her! :D

I'm also thinking of designing my own line of thong underwear, so yeah. Be prepared!

Sorry I didn't have much to say, but I'll be getting back to regular updates soon. Love you all bunches and oodles and SHOOP DA WHOOPS!

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