Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Family. :D

Listening To: Err...it's got a really long title. What is it again? Oh, yeah: The Difference Between Medicine And Poison Is The Dose by Circa Survive. :C It's so frakking depressing, but I lost my iPod and this is what Merz is playing, so I have to listen to it. 'Specially since I'm still using her computer. She listening to the whole On Letting Go album by that band. I'm all eeeemmmoooo just from listening to it.
Feeling: I wish I had my iPod with my Bieber albums on it D8 Merz hates Bieber :c

HALLO GUISE! :DDD I'm going to blog about the visit of my stand-in family and Froze's family. It was a whole, big awkward mess, but I still managed to enjoy myself by the end of the day. Originally, Mercedes and Alison were going to come as my part of the family, but the car got a flat and they both backed out. So, it was Anna Rose, Eric, Gore, and Ryder to the rescue! :DD And Seth came from the Mafia for Vic, even though he didn't want to be here at all. He still defended Froze and stuff and was nice to her for the whole day, which was odd, since he's usually in a bad mood.

Froze's family was her dad Arctic and her mom Sync, who were...different. Um, I think the word is intimidating. :D Yeah, that's it. But I'm sure they're lovely people, even though they did call my house names, and call me names...It's a shame I didn't get to see Froze's brother Paradox, though. Para's dad Oslo came, though, and he was always there to calm Sync down and make sure she didn't eat Vic, which was nice. I made beef and noodles, and we had some fancy vintage wine that I got a long time ago as a gift from Hatchet's world-travels. ♥ It was a red wine, too, which I liked. I love red wine, but not in an alcoholic-y way of course. Oh! We also had flaky herb-roasted bread with a drizzle of olive oil. I, of course, made the food. ;DD ♥

I was planning a whole big celebration, but Froze's side of the family didn't exactly want to play board games and stuff. So Nora retreated to her room, making a lot of noise. I think Adam must've snuck in through her window and stuff. I approve of him and of their relationship, but I just pray he doesn't deflower my firstborn daughter. :c Haley, however, was so nervous being around Froze's family at first because they've never visited. I ended up calling Spencer to come and get her and bring her over to his place so they could play some Pokemon or have a Yu-Gi-Oh! duel or whatever they play over there.

Vic and Seth left later on because they had some orders from Micah, leaving just me, Froze, and our "families." It was pretty intense, but I served some of my special secret-recipe apple pie, even though I didn't know if Froze's family liked sweets or not. Um, I think it went over semi-well. ♥ I also drank a lot of tea that day instead of coffee, so I was more sleepy by the end of the day than usual. 'Cause, you know, I'm always hopped up on a special blend of coffee. How do you think I stay so energetic and stuff? :D ♥

After that, Gore broke a few things and then waltzed out the door with my DSi and some games. Ryder took Nora's PSP when he left, too, so I had to go out today and buy a new DSi and PSP and replacement games before Nora got upset or something. Though, knowing the state of her room, I wouldn't be surprised if she'd never noticed it was gone. :c I don't see how she finds half of the stuff she finds. Her room is exactly how Mercedes's room used to be way back when we were dating, but I think she got all tidy-ish and stuff. Not OCD or anything, because I know her writer's desk is all messy and stuff, and the ten-foot area around it.

Nothing much else has happened, except I went out with Amadour for coffee at this little artsy place that he knows. It was delicious. ♥ Oh, I also got a call from Hatchet! ♥ He's coming to visit soon, so I have to get the repairs done to the windows in the living room. Kulan and his friend Archibald crashed through my windows wearing leotards and confessing their love for me. I had to call the hair salon again...

Anyway, see you later, my lovely Followers. ♥